Saturday, January 14, 2012

You are very brave to be here!  This blog is going to let you stay informed on the way things really are...according to Redneck Mama!

Don't bother reading any further if you don't want the redneck truth!  Mama won't pull any punches and very rarely admits she is wrong or that she needs to apologize!  She says what she believes and does not worry about how "colorful" it is.

Mama asked me to introduce her so here it goes!

Mama loves to take care of others.  She doesn't think she's good at much but that's not really true.  She's great at that taking care part.  You'll do well to pay attention to her advice whether it be on how she manages to take care of us or who she thinks needs to be taken care of!

She has been taking care of folks all her life.  Currently she is taking care of a husband of almost 18 years and has four offspring (Lord help us all!).  The oldest is a boy who is near 15.  Then there is a 13 year old girl." I am sure you'll hear lots about.  Finally comes the twins.  They are 6 and are sometimes called Jacob and Esau because they are soooooo different.  There is also the family dog that she tolerates and I am sure will get a mention or two if for no other reason than because he inserts himself into everything we do!

On top of caring for all of us she has a more than full time job.  She works in the school system watching over the care of special needs children.  Her views on what the children need, how they came to have a need, what they are able to get and what they should get, do not always match with the law; but it should!!!!  I only mention her work to demonstrate her commitment to caring.  This blog is not intended to address any of her professional life, so don't look for too much on that.  You probably will hear some truth about what she deals with at work.

What this blog will cover is how she gets through her life.  She has lots of great thoughts on what is important and what really doesn't matter!  She knows and follows the rules of the Southern women and has a few shortcuts to help her take care of everyone the right way.  And take care of everyone she does!  There are folks here in town and those at work who know they can count on her.  Not only have they already realized the truth of what she says but they all enjoy how she says it.

I hope you will all come back and hear from Mama often because it is important to listen to what Redneck Mama says...!

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